6. Concurrent Prog.
Property: CSAPP 6
- stack not shared, process~~ 보다 더 명확하게 state할 것
Process vs Thread
- Similarity
- has its own logical control flow
- can run concurrently with others (also on different core)
- context switched?
- Differences
- Process
- process privacy
- on each process, physically isolated된 상태로 OS설계시 만들어진다.
- → process마다 addr space가 달라서 data를 share하기 어렵다 :
- via IPC Mechanism
- (message passing shared memory) Mechanism
- FIFO, shared memory, semaphore
- process privacy
- Thread
- 1 process내 많은 execution flow가 존재한다.
- Heap, Data, Code가 공유된다
- → thread끼리 easy to share data
- Local stack은 제외
- effective cost than process : process control cycle is more expensive
- Process
Race, Deadlock, Livelock, Starvation, Fairness : Def & contents
- (사고 접근) 화장실이 하나 있는데 대기자 5명 / 허니버터칩 등 대란
- Race
- (def) outcome depends on arbitrary scheduling decisions elsewhere in the system
- (비유) 무한 경쟁
- Deadlock
- (def) improper rsrc alloc prevents forward progress
- (비유) 교차로 무한대기 - 누구도 지나가지 못하고 state에서 횡행하며 무한대기
- (sol) order 설정 (OS범위)
- Livelock
- (def) shared memory내 오직 한 Process만 접근 가능 → lock을 잡기 위해 매번 시도한다.
- (결과) 잡지도 못하는데도 불구하고 지속해서 시도하기에 inefficient CPU Usage
- Starvation
- (def) 한 번도 lock 잡을 Chance를 갖지 못하는 Process 발생
- (비유) Process 하나는 잡지 못해 굶어 죽게됨
- Fairness
- (def) 공정히 compete했음에도 한 process가 독식하며 필요한 clock cycle만큼 획득하지 못하는 현상
- (비유) 교차로 무한대기
Process based concurrency vs Event-based concurrency vs thread-base concurrency [2021기출-12]
1. Process-based : server가 client 개수만큼 multiple process
single process : if loop에 따라 file descriptor 본 후 event가 있는 경우 handling
kernel automatically interleaves : multiple logical flows
에 각 Connection 요청 마다 parent process를 accept하고 client에fork()
를 띄워connfd
와 client를 연결시켜 각 client마다 자신만의 address space를 가질 수 있도록 한다.→ Process Privacy : 각 client의 space는 독립적인 고립된 공간이다.**
- Handle multiple connections concurrently
- clean sharing model : file table
- simple, straightforward
- → isolated address space :execution flow 변화 고려 필요 X
- additional overhead for process control - server: client개수만큼 process fork 진행
- 110개의 client가 들어오면 110개의 Fork 진행.
- Nontrivial to share data between processes : Hard to share rsrcs
- (pros : avoid unintended sharing)과 상충되는 내용
- 의도하지 않은 Sharing Avoidance = Process 간 Resource 공유 Nontrivial
- Isolated
- → process마다 addr space가 달라서 data를 share하기 어렵다 :
- Solution via IPC Mechanism
- (interprocess communication message passing shared memory)
- FIFO, shared memory, semaphore → data share가능해짐
- (pros : avoid unintended sharing)과 상충되는 내용
- additional overhead for process control - server: client개수만큼 process fork 진행
Issues :
- listening server process
- must reap zombie child - to prevent memory leak
- close its copy of
- listening server process
2. Event-Based : process 1개
programmer에 의해 mulitple logical flow (manually)
server daemon이 listenfd의 Connection request가 client로부터 오는지 보고 그에 맞춰 connfd 생성 → client-server channel 생성 후 응답
각 client들이 fd를 따로 두어, process의 조건에 따라 각자 처리한다.
- Descriptor에 pending input의 유무를 확인한 후 :epoll
- ask kernel to suspend the process, returning control to applicatoin after 1개 이상의 IO Event 발생시
있다면 event 처리:accept
통해 Connection + new connfd 배열에 추가**- 없다면 skip한다.
- all flows share : same address space
- IO Multiplexing : client 1, 2,3에 fd 따로 → Process if loop에 따라 각자 처리함
- One logical control flow and address space.
- Can single-step with a debugger.
- total control over scheduling
- tedious, low-lv
- Very Low overhead : No process or thread control overhead.
- Design of choice for high-performance Web servers and search engines.
- e.g., Node.js, nginx, Tornado
- Significantly more complex to code than process- or thread-based designs.
- Hard to provide fine-grained concurrency → developer 알아서
- E.g., how to deal with partial HTTP request headers
- Cannot take advantage of multi-core
- Single thread of control + 나머지는 놀고 있다!
3. Thread-Based : process 1개 → lightweight concurrent programming
kernel automatically interleaves : multiple logical flows
kernel에 의해 mulitple logical flow 자동
each flows share : same address space
process based + event based / mid overhead
- run ‘detached’ to avoid memory leak
- joinable thread - can be reaped, killed by other thread
- → reap to free memory rsrc
- detached thread - can’t be reaped, killed by others
- → rsrcs automatically reaped on termination
- all fn called by thread must be thread-safe
- joinable thread - can be reaped, killed by other thread
- run ‘detached’ to avoid memory leak
- Easy to share data structs between threads
- efficient than process : not so much control voer scheduling policies
- careful to avoid unintended sharing → subtle, hard-to-reproduce error
- synchronization
- 구현이 복잡하다 & debug 어렵다:
- event orderings not repeatable + shared data로 인한 unexpected error
- overhead많다: process creation overhead + process간 context switch overhead
- careful to avoid unintended sharing → subtle, hard-to-reproduce error
Thread view
: stack variable에서 다른 thread가 visible한 이유
- 개념 : Thread는 다른 stack invisible
- 실제 : trick을 통해 reference 가능
- global variable indirection
1. Traditional view
- [Process] = [Process context] + [code, data, stack]
2. Alternative view
[Thread] + [code, data, kernel context]
- [Thread] = [stack] + [thread context]
each thread has
- has its own logical control flow / own TID
- has its own stack for logical var - not protected from other thread
- same code, data, kernel context
- Concurrent execution
- single-core : simulate parallelism by time slicing
- multi-core : true parallelism
[2021] Iterative server (6-concurrent programming)
- [2021기출] iterative servers process one request at a time. in this iterative server, while a client exchanges messages with the server, the second client is blocking. however, the second client was still able to send a message even though the server didn't accept the connection request. where and how is the message sent by the second client managed?
- Second client는 connection을 server에 요청했으나 First Client에 의해 blocking된 상태이다. 그러나 message를 보낼 수는 있기 때문에 해당 server process가 돌고 있는 OS의 TCP Manager내
함수를 수행할 수 있다. 이는 읽을 수 없고 buffering만 되어 있는 상태이다. - 실제로 수행되기 위해서는 first client가 close하여 client2와의 새로운 connection이 형성되면 해당 message를 read하고 write한다.
- Second client는 connection을 server에 요청했으나 First Client에 의해 blocking된 상태이다. 그러나 message를 보낼 수는 있기 때문에 해당 server process가 돌고 있는 OS의 TCP Manager내