# 6.4.3. Shortest-Paths Problems

  • dijstra@datascience

  • Single-source shortest-paths problem

    • Dijkstra’s algorithm
      • Only nonnegative-weight edges are present.
    • Bellman-Ford algorithm
      • Negative-weight edges may be present, but there are no negative-weight cycles.
  • Single-destination shortest-paths problem

  • Singe-pair shortest-path problem

  • All-pairs shortest-paths problem

    • Floyd-Warshall algorithm
      • Negative-weight edges may be present, but there are no negative-weight cycles.
    • Johnson’s algorithm for sparse graphs
      • Negative-weight edges may be present, but there are no negative-weight cycles.
  • The optimal-substructure property of shortest paths

    • Subpaths of shortest paths are shortest paths!

# Single-Source Shortest Path

  • Problem

    • Given a weighted directed graph G = (V, E) with a weighting function w(e) (w(e) ≥ 0 for the edges in G), and a source vertex v_0, find a shortest path from v_0 to each of the remaining vertices of G.
  • Note

    • The case of an undirected graph can be handled by simply replacing each undirected edge e = (u, v) of length w(e) by two directed edges (u, v) and (v, u), each of the same length.

    • Only the case of a directed graph whose weights are positive (or nonnegative) is handled by the Dijkstra’s algorithm. For a graph that allows a negative weight, the Bellman-Ford algorithm is one to be used.

    • Before learning the single-source shortest path algorithm that builds some tree, recall how the breadth first search tries to build a BFS tree.

    • A breadth first search tree

    • A tree built by the Dijkstra’s algorithm


# Dijkstra’s Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithm

  • A greedy approach
    • Generate the shortest paths in non-decreasing order of lengths!
  1. $S^1={ v_0 }$로 설정하고 시작.
  2. ($i=k$일 때) $Sk$의 꼭지점들만 사용할 경우에 대한 $v_0$에서 $v$까지의 shortest path가 구해져 있음. ($v$는 $Sk$의 꼭지점)
  3. $Sk$상황에서 가장 짧은 path에 대한 꼭지점 $v$를 $Sk$로 옮긴 후 적절한 처리를 수행 → S^{k+1}
  4. ($i = k+1$일 때) S^{k+1} 의 꼭지점들만 사용할 경우에 대한 $v_0$에서 $v$까지의 shortest path가 구해져 있음. ($v$는 $S^{k+1}$의 꼭지점)
    • 다시 2. 로 감
  5. S_n 이 다 구해졌을 경우

# From Prof. Kenji Ikeda's Home Page


# Dijkstra’s Algorithm

(from Introduction to Algorithms by T. Cormen)

  • A directed graph with nonnegative weight G(V, E) with w: E→ [0,∞) and source s

  • Two components for each vertex v

    • v.d: an upper bound on the weight of a shortest path from s to v (a shortest path estimate)

    • v.π: the predecessor of v in the (current) shortest path

        for each vertex v in G.V
      	  v.d = infinite
      	  v.pi = NIL
        s.d = 0
  • Relaxation

    • The process of relaxing an edge (u, v) consists of testing whether we can improve the shortest path to v found so far by going through u and, if so, updating v.d and v.π.

      if v.d > u.d + w(u,v)
      	v.d = u.d + w(u,v)
      	v.pi = u
      • 아직 shortest path를 찾지 못한 vertex v에 대해
      • 새롭게 선택된 vertex u에 adjacent한 vertex v에 대해

# Dijkstra’s Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithm

  • Dijkstra’s algorithm

    • Maintains a set S of vertices whose final shortest-path weight from the source s have already been determined.

      1. Select repeatedly the vertex u in V-S with the minimum shortest-path estimate
      2. adds u to S
      3. relaxes all edges leaving u.
      1  Initialize-Single-Source(G,s)
      2  S = zero-set
      3  Q = G.V
      4  while Q != zero-set
      5    u= extract-min(Q)
      6    S= S U {u}
      7    for each vertex v in G.Adj[u]
      8      Relax(u,v,w)
    • When the algorithm adds a vertex u to the set S, u.d is the final shortest-path weight from s to u.

    • 계산과정 예

  • Correctness of Dijkstra’s algorithm

    • Theorem
      • Dijkstra algorithm, run on a weighted, directed graph $ G=(V,E)$ with nonnegative weight function w : E \rightarrow R and source s, terminates with v.d = \delta(s,v) \forall vertices v \in V
    • Loop invariant
      • At the start of each iteration of the while loop of lines 4-8, v.d = \delta(s,v) for each vertex v \in S
    • A key in the proof
      • to show that for each vertex u \in V, we have u.d = \delta(s,u) at the time when u is added to set S

      • Suppose for contradiction that u be the first vertex for which u.d \neq \delta(s,u) when it is added to set S

        1  Initialize-Single-Source(G,s)
        2  S = zero-set
        3  Q = G.V
        4  while Q != zero-set
        5    u= extract-min(Q)
        6    S= S U {u}
        7    for each vertex v in G.Adj[u]
        8      Relax(u,v,w)

    s ---> x ->y가 shortest path이므로, $x$가 $S$에 add 되면서 x->y에 relaxation할 때, y.d에 $δ(s, y)$가 저장. 따라서 $u$가 $S$에 add가 될 때에도 y.d = δ(s, y).

    • y.d = \delta(s,y)
      • u.d \leq \delta(s,y) \leq u.d \rightarrow \delta(s,u) = u.d
    • y.d = \delta(s,y) \leq \delta (s,u) \leq u.d
    • u.d \leq y.d

# An O(n^2) Implementation : Adjacency Matrix 사용

  • S: the set of vertices, including v_0, whose shortest paths have been found

  • distance[w]: the length of the shortest path starting from v_0, going through vertices only in S, and ending in w (w \notin S)

  • Observations

    • When the shortest paths are generated in nondecreasing order of length,

    • If the next shortest path is to vertex u, then the path from v_0 to u goes through only those vertices that are in S.

    • Vertex u is chosen so that it has the minimum distance distance[u] among all the vertices \notin S.

    • Adding u to S may change the distance of shortest paths starting at v_0 going through vertices only in the new S, and ending at a vertex w that is not currently in the new S.

    • distance[w] = \min \{distance[w], distance[u] + length(<u, w>) \}

  • V = \{ v_0, v_1, ..., v_{n-1}\} with |V| = n

  • distance[i] : the length of the SP from vertex v to i

  • found[i]

    • FALSE if the SP from vertex i has not been found,
    • TRUE otherwise
  • cost[i][j] : cost adjacency matrix

  • code in [Horowitz]

    int choose(int distance[], int n, int found[])
        int i, min = INT_MAX,
              minpos = -1;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) // O(n)
            if (distance[i] < min && !found[i])
                min = distance[i];
                minpos = i;
        return minpos;
    void shortestpath(int v,
                      int cost[][MAX_VERTICES],
                      int distance[], int n, int found[])
        int i, u, w, tmp;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            found[i] = FALSE;
            distance[i] = cost[v][i];
        found[v] = TRUE;
        distance[v] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n - 2; i++)
        { // O(n)
            // find the next u to be added to S
            u = choose(distance, n, found);
            found[u] = TRUE; // add u to S for (w = 0; w < n; w++)
            if (!found[w])   // for w not in S
            if ((tmp = distance[u] +
    cost[u][w]) < distance[w]) distance[w] = tmp;

# An O(e \log n) Implementation: Adjacency List 사용

  • 매 순간 $wt[w]$에는 항상 S_k 의 꼭지점들만 사용할 경우에 대한 $v_s$에서 $w$까지의 shortest path의 길이가 저장되어 있음.

  • wt[]는 앞의 프로그램에서의 distance[]에 해당

  • n = |V|, e = |E|

    typedef struct node \*link;
    struct node
        int v;
        double wt;
        link next;
    struct graph
        int V;
        int E;
        link *adj;
    typedef struct graph *Graph;
    #define GRAPHpfs GRAPHspt
    #define P(wt[v] + t->wt) 
    void GRAPHpfs(Graph G, int s, int st[],​ double wt[]){
      int v, w;
      link t;
      priority = wt;
      for (v = 0; v < G->V; v++){ //O(n)
        st[v] = -1;
        wt[v] = maxWT;
      wt[s] = 0.0;
      PQdec(s); // log n
      while (!PQempty())// 언제 끝날까?
        if (wt[v = PQdelmin()] ! = maxWT) //어떤 경우인가?
          for (t = G->adj[v]; t != NULL; t = t->next) //O(e log n)
            if (P < wt[w = t->v]){
              wt[w] = P;          
              PQdec(w); //log n
            //다 끝난 후 각 꼭지점에 대한 sp를 어떻게 출력할까?
              st[w] = v;  
  • MO ̈HRING et at., Partitioning Graphs to Speedup Dijkstra’s Algorithm, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 2006.

    • Standard Dijkstra’s Algorithm

    • Acceleration Algorithm
