# 6.4.1. Minimum Spanning Trees

  • Tree

    • A tree is a connected graph T that contains no cycle.
    • Other equivalent statements (T = (V, E) where |V| = n)
    • T contains no cycles, and has n-1 edges.
    • T is connected, and has n-1 edges.
    • Any two vertices of T are connected by exactly one path.
    • T contains no cycles, but the addition of any new edge creates exactly one cycle.
  • Forest

    • A forest is a graph with no cycles.

  • references

  • Buy-Two-Get-One-Free Theorem

    • For a graph G = (V, E) with n vertices, any two of the following three properties imply the third one:

      1. G is connected.
      2. G is acyclic.
      3. G has n-1 edges.
  • Minimum spanning tree

    • wiki

    • A spanning tree for a graph G = (V, E) is a tree that contains all the vertices of G.

    • The cost of a spanning tree of a weighted graph G = (V, E) is the sum of the weights of the edges in the spanning tree.

    • A minimum spanning tree for a weighted graph G = (V, E) is a spanning tree of least cost.

      image image
  • Problem

    • Given a weighted graph G = (V, E), find a minimum spanning tree of G.
  • A naïve approach

    • Examine all the spanning trees of G, and take one having least cost.
    • There are n^{n-2} spanning trees in K_n!