# 6.2. Graph Search


# Some Problems Related to Graph Search

  • Cycle detection
    • Does a given graph have any cycle?
  • Simple path
    • Given two vertices, is there a path in the graph that connects them?
  • Simple connectivity
    • Is a graph connected?
  • Two-way Euler tour
    • Find a path that uses all the edges in a graph exactly twice – once in each direction.
  • Spanning tree
    • Given a connected graph with n vertices, find a set of n-1 edges that connects the vertices.
  • Vertex search
    • How many vertices are in the same connected component as a given vertex?
  • Two-colorability, bipartiteness, odd cycle
    • Is there a way to assign one of two colors to each vertex of a graph such that no edge connects two vertices of the same color?
    • Is a given graph bipartite?
    • Does a given graph have a cycle of odd length?
  • st-connectivity
    • What is the minimum number of edges whose removal will separate two given vertices s and t in a graph?
  • General connectivity
    • Is a graph k-connected?
    • Is a given graph k-edge connected?
    • What is the edge connectivity and the vertex connectivity of a given graph?
  • Shortest path
    • Find a shortest path in the graph from v to w.
  • Single-source shortest paths
    • Find shortest paths connecting a given vertex v with each other vertex in the graph.

# 1) Graph Search 1: Depth-First Search (DFS)

  • 자료구조 과목에서 배웠음 image

# Depth-First Search: Review

  • A graph structure definition

    typedef struct _edgenode
        int y;               /* adjancency info */
        int weight;          /* edge weight, if any */
        struct _edgenode *next; /* next edge in list */
    } edgenode;
    typedef struct _graph{
        // The vertices are numbered starting from 1 not 0. edgenode *edges[MAXV + 1];
      /* adjacency info */
        int degree[MAXV + 1]; 
      /* outdegree of each vertex */
        int nvertices;        
      /* number of vertices in the graph */
        int nedges;           
      /* number of edges in the graph */
        int directed;         
      /* is the graph directed? */
    } graph;
  • A Recursive implementation in C

    • parent = predecessor
    • entry time = discovery time
    • exit time = finish time
    void dfs(graph *g, int v)
        edgenode *p; /* temporary pointer */
        int y;       /* successor vertex */
        entry_time[v] = ++time;
        discovered[v] = TRUE;
        p = g->edges[v];
        while (p != NULL)
            y = p->y;
            if (discovered[y] == FALSE)
                parent[y] = v;
                PROCESS_EDGE(v, y, g);
                dfs(g, y);
                PROCESS_EDGE(v, y, g);
            p = p->next;
        exit_time[v] = ++time;
        processed[v] = TRUE;
    image image

# An Abstract Implementation Using a Stack

  • 편의상 connected graph로 가정 (아닐 경우에는?)
  • 어떤 연산이 전체 탐색을 dominate하는가?
  • 각 꼭지점은 unvisited 상태에서 스택에 몇 번 push되는가?
  • 전체적으로 각 edge는 몇 번 access되는가?
DFS(G, s)
{ // s is the vertex where the DFS starts. Initialize a stack S to be empty;
visited[v] = F for all vertices in G;
Push(S, s);
while (S is not empty)  
      v = Pop(S);
      if (visited[v] = F){
        visited[v] = T;
        for (each vertex u that is adjacent to v)
          if (visited[u] = F)
            Push(S, u);
  • Time complexity
    • Adjacency list: O(|V|+|E|)
    • Adjacency matrix: O(|V|2)
  • 기존에 배운 recursion 기반 구현과 비교할 것
image image

# 3) Graph Search 2: Breadth-First Search (BFS)

  • 자료구조 과목에서 배웠음


# An Abstract Implementation Using a Queue

  • 편의상 connected graph로 가정 (아닐 경우에는?)
  • 어떤 연산이 전체 탐색을 dominate하는가?
  • 각 꼭지점은 unvisited 상태에서 스택에 몇 번 push되는가?
  • 전체적으로 각 edge는 몇 번 access되는가?
void BFS(G, s)
{ // s is the vertex where the DFS starts. Initialize a queue Q to be empty;
visited[v] = F for all vertices in G;
visited[s] = T;
Insert(Q, s);
while (Q is not empty){
    v = delete (Q);
    for (each vertex u that is adjacent to v)    {
        if (visited[u] = F){
            visited[u] = T;
            Insert(Q, u);
  • Time complexity
  • Adjacency list: O(|V|+|E|)
  • Adjacency matrix: O(|V|^2)