5.8. Data Structures for Disjoint Sets
- ref
- Partition
- A partition of a set X is a set of non-empty subsets of X such that every element x in X is in exactly one of these subsets.
- Example: X = \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\}→\{ \{1, 3, 5\}, \{2\}, \{4, 6\} \}
- Disjoint-set data structure (union-find data structure)
- Used to effectively manage a collection of subsets that partition a given set of elements.
- Basic operations on disjoint sets
- Make a set containing only the given element x.
S = Find(x)
- Determine which set the particular element x is in.
- Typically return an element that serves as the subset’s representative.
- May be used to determine if two elements are in the same subset.
- Determine which set the particular element x is in.
Union(x, y)
(or Merge(x, y))- Merge two subsets into a single subset.
- Applications
- Tracking the connected components of an undirected graph
- Decide if two vertices belong to the same component, or if adding an edge between them would result in a cycle.
- Useful for implementing the Kruskal’s algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree
- Tracking the connected components of an undirected graph
- Scheduling with deadlines
- Computing shorelines of a terrain
- Classifying a set of atoms into molecules or fragments.
- Connected component labeling in image analysis
- Example
- U=\{a,b,c,d,e\}
- For (each x \in U)
- Makeset(x); → {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {e}
- Union(a, c); → {a, c}, {b}, {d}, {e}
- {a, c} = Find(a);
- Union(c, e); → {a, c, e}, {b}, {d}
- Implementation of disjoint sets using reversed trees
Makeset(x){ parent(x) := x rank(x) := 0 }
- Time complexity: O(1)
- Time complexity: O(1)
- Two ways of implementing the Union Operation
- Time complexity: O(n)
- Time complexity: O(\log n)
- Time complexity: O(n)
- Union by rank
- Always attach the smaller tree to the root of the larger tree.
- The rank increases by one only if two trees of the same rank are merged.
- The rank of a one-element tree is zero.
- The Union and Find operations can be done in O(\log n) in the worst case.
- The number of elements in a tree of rank r is at least 2^r (Proof by induction)
- The maximum possible rank of a tree with n elements is O(\log n).
Disjoint set의 path compression 연산에 대해서도 알아볼 것.
S = Find(x)
- Time complexity: O(depth of x in the tree)
Find(x) { if (x == parent(x)) return x else return Find(parent(x)) } Find(x) { while (x != parent(x)) x := parent(x) return x }
- Time complexity: O(depth of x in the tree)
Union(x, y)
- Time complexity: 2 Find op’s + O (1)
Union(x, y) { x0 := Find(x) y0 := Find(y) if (x0 == y0) return if (rank(x0) > rank(y0)) parent(y0) := x0 else parent(x0) := y0 if (rank(x0) == rank(y0)) rank(y0) := rank(y0)+1 }
- Time complexity: 2 Find op’s + O (1)
Another Algorithm Based on Disjoint Sets
- Method
- d_{max} : the maximum of the deadlines for n jobs.
- Add a job as late as possible to the schedule being built, but no later than its deadline.
- Sort the jobs in non-increasing order by profit.
- Initialize d_{max}+1 disjoint sets, containing the integers 0, 1, 2, ..., d_{max}
- For each job in the sorted order,
- Find the set S containing the minimum of its deadline and n.
- If small(S) = 0, reject the job.
- Otherwise, schedule it at time small(S), and merge S with the set containing small(S)-1.
- Find the set S containing the minimum of its deadline and n.
- Time complexity
- O(n \log m) for the disjoint set manipulation, where m is the minimum of n and d_{max}
- O(n \log n) for sorting the profits.
- Example