# 5.7. Scheduling with Deadlines


# Problem

  • Let J = \{1, 2, ..., n\} be a set of jobs to be served.
  • Each job takes one unit of time to finish.
  • Each job has a deadline and a profit.
    • If the job starts before or at its deadline, the profit is obtained.
  • Schedule the jobs so as to maximize the total profit (not all jobs have to be scheduled). image

# Example:


# A greedy approach

  • Sort the jobs in non-increasing order by profit.
  • Scan each job in the sorted list, adding it to the schedule if possible. image

# Example

  • S = EMPTY
  • Is S = {1} OK?
    • Yes: S \leftarrow {1} ([1])
  • Is S = {1, 2} OK?
    • Yes: S \leftarrow {1, 2} ([2, 1])
  • Is S = {1, 2, 3} OK?
    • No.
  • Is S = {1, 2, 4} OK?
    • Yes: S \leftarrow {1, 2, 4} ([2, 1, 4] or [2, 4, 1])
  • Is S = {1, 2, 4, 5} OK?
    • No.
  • Is S = {1, 2, 4, 6} OK?
    • No.
  • Is S = {1, 2, 4, 7} OK?
    • No. image

# Example


# Implementation Issues

  • A key operation in the greedy approach
    • Determine if a set of jobs S is feasible.
    • Fact
      • S is feasible if and only if the sequence obtained by ordering the jobs in S according to nondecreasing deadlines is feasible.
    • Example
      • Is S = \{1, 2, 4\} OK?→$[2(1), 1(3), 4(3)]$→Yes!
      • Is S = \{1, 2, 4, 7\} OK?→$[2(1), 7(2), 1(3), 4(3)]$→No
  • An $O(n^2)$implementation
    • Sort the jobs in non-increasing order by profit.
    • For each job in the sorted order,
      • See if the current job can be scheduled together with the previously selected jobs, using a linked list data structure.
        • If yes, add it to the list of feasible sequence.
        • Otherwise, reject it.
    • Time complexity
      • O(n \log n) + \Sigma_{i=2}^{n}{\{(i-1)+i\}} = O(n^2)
      • When there are i-1 jobs in the sequence,
        • at most i-1 comparisons are needed to add a new job in the sequence, and
        • at most i comparisons are needed to check if the new sequence is feasible.
  • Is the time complexity always O(n^2)?
    • What if n >> d_{max}?
      • O(n \log n+n d_{max})
    • What if n >> d_{max} and n >> k_{scanned}?
      • O(n + k_{scanned} \log n + k_{scanned} d_{max}) = O(n)
      • Is this complexity achievable when a max heap data structure is employed image

# Correctness of the Greedy Method

  • Left as an exercise.