5.3. Huffman’s Algorithm
1. Contents
- Idea
- Put the rarest characters at the bottom of the tree.
- A greedy approach
- Repeat the following until only one tree is left:
- Start from a set of single node trees.
- Pick up two trees u and v with the lowest frequencies.
- Merge them by adding a root node w where the frequency of the new node is the sum of those of u and v.
- Replace u and v by w.
- Repeat the following until only one tree is left:
2. Implementation and Time Complexity
- Implementation issues
- How can you manage a dynamic set to which the following operations occur frequently:
- Delete the elements with the highest priority from the list.
- Insert an element with some priority into the list.
- The answer is to use Priority Queue.
- The priority queue can be implemented in many ways. Which one would you use? | Representation | Insertion | Deletion | | --------------------- | ------------ | ------------ | | Unordered array | O(1) | O(n) | | Unordered linked list | O(1) | O(n) | | Sorted array | O(n) | O(1) | | Sorted linked list | O(n) | O(1) | | Heap | O(\log n) | O(\log n) |
- How can you manage a dynamic set to which the following operations occur frequently:
- ✓ The answer is to use the priority queue based on (min) heap.
- → O (n\log n) time
- insert the n single-node trees : O(n)
- \log n + \log (n-1) + ... + \log(2) = \log n! = O (n \log n)
typedef struct _node { char symbol; int freq; struct _node left; struct _node right; } NODE; NODE u, v, w; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) // O(n) { /* insert the n single-node trees */ } for (i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { u = PQ_delete(); v = PQ_delete(); w = make_a_new_node(); w->left = u; w->right = v; w->freq = u->freq + v->freq; PQ_insert(w); } w = PQ_delete(); /* w points to the optimal tree. */
3. Correctness of the Huffman’s Algorithm
- siblings, branch
- (Proof by mathematical induction)
- If the set of trees obtained in the i-th step are branches in a binary tree corresponding to an optimal code, then the set of trees obtained in the $(i+1)$st step are also branches in a binary tree corresponding to an optimal code.
- Optimal binary tree
- i-th step
- \rightarrow (i+1)-th step
- (Base step) When k = 0, each tree is trivially a branch of an optimal tree.
- (Induction step) Suppose that the proposition is true when k = i, that S is the set of trees that exist after the $i$th step, and that T is the corresponding optimal tree. Let u and v be the root of the trees combined in the $(i+1)$st step.
- Case 1: If u and v are siblings in T, we are done.
- Case 2: Otherwise, assume that u is at a level in T at least as low as v, and that w is the u’s sibling in T.
- The branch in T with root w is one of the trees in S or contains one of those trees as a subtree.
- why?
- Therefore, freq(w) ≥ freq(v) and depth(w) ≥ depth(v) in T
- If we create a new tree T’ by swapping the two branches with root v and w, then bits(T’) = bits(T) + (depth(w) – depth(v))(freq(v) – freq(w)) ≤ bits(T).
- Since bits(T) ≤ bits(T’), T’ is also optimal. Hence, the proposition also holds when k = i+1.
- The branch in T with root w is one of the trees in S or contains one of those trees as a subtree.
- What happens if all the steps are done?