# 5.2. Prefix Codes

  • No codeword can be a prefix of any other code.
    • Otherwise, decoding is impossible!
    • Uniquely decodable!
      • ☺ Example 1
        • a = 00, b = 1110, c = 110, d = 01, e = 1111, f = 10
      • Example 2
        • a = 00, b = 1100, c = 110, d = 01, e = 1111, f = 10
  • Binary trees corresponding to prefix codes
    • The code of a character c is the label of the path from the root to c.
    • Decoding of an encoded file is trivial. image
  • Problem
    • Given a file F to be encoded with a character set V = \{v_1, v_2, ..., v_n \}, find an optimal prefix binary code with a corresponding binary tree T that minimizes the cost function
    • bits(T) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n{freq(v_i) \cdot depth(v_i)}
      • where freq(v_i) is the number of times v_i occurs in F, and depth(v_i) is the depth v_i of in T.
    • A Greedy approach successfully finds an optimal code. image