5.1. The Greedy Method
Algorithm Design Techniques
- Divide-and-Conquer Method
- Dynamic Programming Method
- Greedy Method
- Backtracking Method
- Local Search Method
- Branch-and-Bound Method
- Etc.
1. The Greedy Method
- A technique to follow the problem-solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at each stage.
- 각 단계에서 휴리스틱적으로 최적의 선택을 하는 PS 기술
- Strategy
- Make the choice that appears best at each moment!
- It is hoped to arrive at a globally optimal solution by making a locally optimal choice.
- Pros and cons
- wiki
- Simple and straightforward to design an algorithm.
- Does not guarantee the optimal solution to all problems
- Local maximum versus global maximum