# 4.3. Concepts of Dynamic Programming


Top-down → Bottom-up

  • When the divide-and-conquer approach produces an exponential algorithm where the same sub-problems are solved iteratively,
      1. Take the recursive relation from the divide-and-conquer algorithm, and
      1. replace the recursive calls with table lookups by recording a value in a table entry instead of returning it.
  • Three elements to consider in designing a dynamic programming algorithm
    • Recursive relation
      • Optimal substructure
    • Table setup
    • Table fill order
    • B(i,j)=B(i-1,j-1) + B(i-1,j) if 0<j<i
    • B(i,j)=1 if j=0 or j=i

# Application of DP

# 4.3.1. The Manhattan Tourist Problem

  • Courtesy of [Jones & Pevzner 6.3] image
  • Problem:
    • Given two street corners in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, find the path between them with the maximum number of attractions, that is, a path of maximum overall weight.
    • Assume that a tourist may move either to east or to south only
  • A brute force approach
    • Search among all paths in the grid for the longest path!
  • A greedy approach
    • 다음 강의 주제
  • A formal description of this problem
    • Given a weighted graph (grid) G of size (n, m) with two distinguished vertices, a source (0, 0) and a sink (n, m), find a longest path between them in its weighted graph. (0, 0)
  • An example grid of size (4, 4)
    • image
  • A possible selection determined by a greedy approach
    • image
  • Basic idea
    • How can you use the solutions of smaller problems to build a solution of a problem?
      • image
    • A given optimization problem can be constructed efficiently from optimal solutions of its subproblems.
      • → optimal substructure
      • image
  • Optimal substructure : S_{n,m} =?
    1. i,j \geq 1
    • S_{i,j} = \max(S_{i-1,j}+W({(i-1,j)},{(i,j)}), S_{i,j-1}+W({(i,j-1)},{(i,j)}))
    1. i=0, j=1,2,...,n
    • S_{0,j} = S_{0,j-1}+W({(0,j-1)},{(0,j)})
    1. j=0, i=1,2,...,m
    • S_{i,0} = S_{i-1,0}+W({(i-1,0)},{(i,0)})
    1. i=j=0
    • S_{0,0} = 0
  • Table setup and fill
    • image
  • Pseudocode
    • image
  • Given a (n, m) grid, what is the time complexity T(n, m)?
  • So far, we have found the cost of the longest path from source to each vertex in the grid.
  • Then, how can you print out the actual optimal path from source to sink?
    • image

# 4.3.2. Chained Matrix Multiplication

  • [Neapolitan 3.4]
  • In general, to multiply an a x b matrix with a b x c matrix using the standard method, it is necessary to do abc elementary multiplications.
    • image
  • Problem
    • Determine the minimum number of elementary multiplications, needed to multiply n matrices where $ A_i \in R^{d_ \times d_i}$
  • Examples: A_1 (20 \times 2) \bullet A_2 (2 \times 30) \bullet A_3 (30 \times 12) \bullet A_4 (12 \times 8)
    • A_1: 20 \times 2, A_2: 2 \times 30
    • $A_1(A_2(A_3 A_4)) : 30 \times 12 \times 8 + 2 \times 30 \times 8 + 20 \times 2 \times 8 = 3,680 $ multiplications
    • (A_1 A_2)(A_3 A_4) : = 8,880 multiplications
    • A_1((A_2 A_3 )A_4) : = 1,232 multiplications
    • ((A_1 A_2)A_3 )A_4 := 10,320 multiplications
    • (A_1(A_2 A_3 ))A_4 := 3,120 multiplications
    • The order of multiplication is very important!
      • (a \times b) \times c = a \times (b \times c)

# 4.3.3. Dynamic programming approach

  • Definition

    • M(i, j) : the minimum number of multiplications needed to multiply A_i through A_j (i \leq j )
    • image
  • Optimal subtructure image

  • Example: M(2, 7)

    • M(2,7) = \min_{2\leq k \leq 6}{\{ M(2,k) + M(k+1,7)+d_1 d_k d_7}\} image
    j/i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    1 0
    2 0
    3 0
    4 0
    5 0
    6 0
    7 0
    8 0
    j/i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    1 0
    2 0
    3 0
    4 0
    5 0
    6 0
    7 0
    8 0
  • Table fill order image

    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        M[i][i] = 0;
    for (g = 1; g <= n - 1; g++)
        for (i = 1; i <= n - g; i++)
            j = i + g;
            M[i][j] = BIG_NUM;
            for (k = i; k <= j - 1; k++)
                if ((tmp = M[i][k] + M[k + 1][j] + d[i - 1] * d[k] * d[j]) < M[i][j]){
                    M[i][j] = tmp;
                    P[i][j] = k;
  • Time complexity

    • n + (n-1) \cdot 1 + (n-2) \cdot 2 + ... + (n-(n-1))\cdot (n-1) \\= n + \Sigma_{g=1}^{n-1}{(n-g)g} \\= O(n^3)
  • Chained matrix multiplication problem

    • O(n^3) by Godbole (1973)
    • O(n^2) by Yao (1972)
    • O(n log n) by Hu and Shing (1982, 1984)
    j/ i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    1 0
    2 0
    3 0
    4 0
    5 0
    6 0
    7 0
    8 0
  • Printing optimal order

    • M(2,7) = \min_{2\leq k \leq 6}{\{ M(2,k) + M(k+1,7)+d_1 d_k d_7}\}
    void order(int i, int j)
        int k;
        if (i == j)
            printf(“A_ % d”, i);
            k = P[i][j];
                  order(i, k); order(k + 1, j); printf(“)”);

O(n) time