# 4.2. Approaches for Recursive Formulation


# 4.2.1. Top Down Approach

  • T(i,j) = T(i-1,j) + T(i, j-1) + C \cdot (2i + j) for i,j \geq 1
  • T(i,0) = T(0,j) = 1 for i,j \geq 0
  • Easily becomes exponential! image

# 4.2.2. Bottom Up Approach

  • T(i,j) = T(i-1,j) + T(i, j-1) + C \cdot (2i + j) for i,j \geq 1
  • T(i,0) = T(0,j) = 1 for i,j \geq 0
  • Often much more efficient! image

# 4.2.3. Examples

# [ex1] World Series Odds

  • Problem
    • Dodgers and Yankees are playing the World Series in which either team needs to win n games first.
    • Suppose that each team has a $50%$chance of winning any game.
    • Let P(i,j) be the probability that if Dodgers needs i games to win, and Yankees needs j games, Dodgers will eventually win the Series.
    • Ex: P(2, 3) = \frac {11}{16}
    • Compute P(i,j) 0 \leq i,j \leq n \forall n image

# [Worse] A Divide-and-Conquer Approach

  • Recursive formulation

    • $P(i,j) $
    • \\ = 1 if i=0, j>0
    • \\ = 0 if i=0, j=0
    • \\ = \frac{P(i-1,j)+P(i,j-1)}{2} if i>0, j>0
    • image
  • If we solve this recurrence relation in the divide-and-conquer way,

    • Let T(n) be the maximum time taken by a call to P(i),where i+j =n.
    • Then we can prove that T(n) is exponential!
    • T(1)=1, T(n) = 2T(n-1) + c \rightarrow O(2^n)
    • image
  • What is the problem of this approach?

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# [Better] A Dynamic Programming Approach

  • Instead of computing the same repeatedly, fill in a table as suggested below:
    • image
  • Time Complexity
    • For input size (m, n), computing P(m, n) takes O(mn)-time.
    • By far better than the Divide-and-Conquer approach.
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