# 3.4. Miscellaneous


# Finding the Closest Pair of 2D Points

# 1. 내용

[J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison Wesley, 2005. 5.4]

  • Problem
    • Given n points in the plane, find the pair that is closest together.
  • Notation
  • Naïve algorithm
    • Compute the distance between each pair of points
    • take the minimum → O(n^2) time

# 2. Applying the Divide-and-Conquer Strategy

  • [Shamos and Hoey]
  • Simple assumption for an easy explanation
    • No two points in P have the same x-coordinate or the same y- coordinate.
  • General idea
    • [Preprocessing]
      • Build a list P_x in which all the points in P have been sorted by increasing x-coordinate→ O(n \log n)
      • Build another list P_y in which all the points in P have been sorted by increasing y-coordinate→ O(n \log n)
    • [Recursion for P with |P| = n]
      • [Divide] Partition P into two subsets Q and RO(n)
      • [Conquer] Find the closest pairs in Q and R, respectively→ 2T(n/2)
      • [Combine] Use this information to get the closest pair in P→ O(n)
      • Time-complexity O(n \log n) + T(n) where T(n) = cn +2T(n/2) → O(n \log n)
  • The stage [Divide]: Partition P into two subsets Q and R.
    • Create Q and R, where
      • Q: the set of points in the first \lceil(n/2)\rceil positions of the list P_x (the “left half”),
      • R: the set of points in the final \lfloor(n/2) \rfloor positions of the list P_x (the “right half”).
    • Furthermore, create Q_x, Q_y, R_x, and R_y, where
      • Q_x consisting of the points in Q sorted by increasing x-coordinate,
      • Q_y consisting of the points in Q sorted by increasing y-coordinate,
      • R_x consisting of the points in R sorted by increasing x-coordinate,
      • Ry consisting of the points in R sorted by increasing y-coordinate.
    • ✓ Can be done in O(n)
  • The stage [Conquer]: Find the closest pairs in Q and R, respectively.
    • Recursively determine a closest pair (q_0, q_1) of points in Q.
    • Recursively determine a closest pair (r_0, r_1) of points in R.
      • Can be done in 2T(\frac n 2).
  • The stage [Combine]: Use the obtained info. to get the closest pair in P.
    • Question : are there points q \in Q, r \in R for which d(q,r)<\delta?
      • How can we answer this question in linear time?
    • [Fact 1] (Why?)
      • if there \exists q \in Q , r \in R for which d(q,r)<\delta
      • then each of q,r lies within a distance \delta of$ L$
    • [Fact 2]
      • \exists q \in Q, r\in R for which d(q,r)<\delta \iff \exists s, s^{'} \in S for which d(s,s^{'})<\delta
      • image
      • x^*: the x-coordinate of the rightmost point in Q
      • \delta=min(d(q_0^*,q_1^*),d(r_0^*,r_1^*))
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    • [Fact 3]
      • if s, s^{' } \in S have the property that d(s, s^{'})<\delta, then s, s^{'} re within 15 positions of each other in the sorted list S_y
        • S_y : the list consisting of the points in S sorted by increasing y-coordinate.
        • Each box contains at most one point of S. (Why?)
        • If two points in S are at least 16 positions apart in S_y , ...
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    • [merge] : O(n)
      1. For each s \in S_y , compute its distance to each of the next 15 pts in S_y
      2. Let s, s^{'} be the pair achieving the minimum of these distances
      3. Compare d(s, s^{'}) with \delta
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