# 3.3.3. Master Theorem


# Master Theorem 1

  • [Neapolitan 2.8]
  • Let a, b, and c be nonnegative constants.
  • The solution to the recurrence T (1)=1, and T(n)=aT(\frac n c)+bn, for n>1 for n a power of c is
      1. T(n)=O(n), if a<c
      2. T(n)=O(n \log n), if a=c
      3. T(n) = O(n \log ca), if a > c
  • Prove this by induction!
  • Avoid divided-and-conquer if, for example–
    • An instance of size n is divided into two or more instances each almost of size n.
    • An instance of size n is divided into almost n instance of size \frac n c, where c is a constant.
  • The divide-and-conquer strategy often leads to efficient algorithms, although not always!

# Master Theorem 2
