# 3.2.1. Selection Algorithm


# 1. Selection of Both Maximum and Minimum Elements

  • Problem - Find both the maximum and the minimum elements of a set containing n elements (assume n = 2m for some integer m).

  • [Aho 2.6]

        MAX <- any element in S;
        for all other elements x in S do
          if x>MAX then MAX<- x
    • T(n) = (n-1) + (n-2) = 2n-3 comparisons
  • procedure MAXMIN(S):
    if |S| = 2 then
      	let S = {a, b};
      	return (MAX(a,b), MIN(a,b))
      	divide S into two subset S1,S2, each with the half of elements
      	(max1, min1) <- MAXMIN(S1);
      	(max2, min2) <- MAXMIN(S2);
      	return(MAX(max1, max2), MIN(min1, min2))

    T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 2 for n > 2, T(n) = 1 for n = 2

    T(n) = (3/2)n - 2 comparisons

  • This is the minimum!

# 2. Multiplication of Two n-bit Numbers

  • The traditional method requires O(n^2) bit operations.

  • A divide-and-conquer approach

  • image

  • xy = (a2^{\frac n 2} + b)(c2^{\frac n 2} + d) = ac2^n + (ad+bc)2^\frac n 2 + bd

    u = (a+b)*(c+d);
    v = a*c, w = b*d;
    z = v * pow(2,n) + (u-v-w) * pow(2, n/2) + w;
  • [Aho 2.6]

    • T(n) = 1 for n = 1
    • T(n) = 3T(n/2) + cn for n > 1T(n) = O(nlog3)
    • O(n^2) → O(n^{1.59})
  • Read [Neapolitan 2.6].