# 3.1.1. Merge Sort


# 1. Merge Sort

  • Problem: Sort n keys in nondecreasing sequence.
  • Inputs: positive integer n, array of keys S indexed from 1 to n.
  • Outputs: the array S containing the keys in nondecreasing order. 배열 S는 감소하지 않는 순서로 정렬된 key를 갖는다
    1. Divide the array into two subarrays each with ~$ \frac n 2$ items.
    2. Conquer each subarray by sorting it recursively.
    3. Combine the solutions to the subarrays by merging them into a single sorted array.


  • A simple implementation

    // Sort a list from A[left] to A[right].
    // Should be optimized for higher efficiency!!!
    void merge_sort(item_type *A, int left, int right){
        int middle;
        if (left < right){
            //divide : O(1)
            middle = (left + right) / 2;            					
            //conquer : 2T(n/2)
            merge_sort(A, left, middle);
            merge_sort(A, middle + 1, right);
            //combine : O(n)
            merge(A, left, middle, right);
    item_type *buffer; 
    // extra space for merge sort, allocated beforehand
    void merge(item_type *A, int left, int middle, int right){
        int i, i_left, i_right;
        memcpy(buffer + left, A + left, sizeof(item_type) * (right - left + 1));
        //O(r-l+1), O(n)
        i_left = left;
        i_right = middle + 1;
        i = left;
        while ((i_left <= middle) && (i_right <= right)){
            if (buffer[i_left] < buffer[i_right])
                A[i++] = buffer[i_left++];
                A[i++] = buffer[i_right++];
        while (i_left <= middle)
            A[i++] = buffer[i_left++];
        while (i_right <= right)
            A[i++] = buffer[i_right++];
  • An example of merging two arrays

    k left right merged
    1 10 12 20 27 13 15 22 25 10
    2 10 12 20 27 13 15 22 25 10 12
    3 10 12 20 27 13 15 22 25 10 12 13
    4 10 12 20 27 13 15 22 25 10 12 13 15
    5 10 12 20 27 13 15 22 25 10 12 13 15 20
    6 10 12 20 27 13 15 22 25 10 12 13 15 20 22
    7 10 12 20 27 13 15 22 25 10 12 13 15 20 22 25
    - 10 12 13 15 20 22 25 27

# Worst-case time complexity

  • 편의상 $n=2m$이라 할 경우 (m \in Z^+ \cup \{0\}

    • T(n) = 2T(\frac {n} {2}) + cn, n \geq 2

      • 2 : Number of subproblems
      • \frac n 2 : Subproblem size
    • T(1) =1 \rightarrow T(n) = O(nlogn)

    • Merge Sort Complexity Analysis | Merge Sort | | | | ---------- | --------------- | ------- | | Divide | Conquer | Combine | | O(1) | 2T(\frac n 2) | O(n) |

  • n개의 원소를 $k$개와 $l$개로 나누어 진행한다고 가정하면 (n=k+l),

    • T(n) = T(k) + T(l) + cn (k \approx l)
    • n = 2^m 이 아닌 일반적인 경우에도 같은 시간 복잡도를 가짐을 증명할 수 있음.

# Solving Recurrence Equations

  • Solve the following recurrences T(n) for given T(1)=1
    1. T(n) = aT(n-1) + bn
    2. T(n) = T(\frac n 2) + bn \log n
    3. T(n) = aT(n-1) + bn^2
    4. T(n) = aT(n/2) + bn^2
    5. T(n) = T(\frac n 2) + c \log n
    6. T(n) = T(\frac n 2) + cn
    7. T(n) = 2T(\frac n 2) + cn
    8. T(n) = 2T(\frac n 2) + cn \log n
    9. T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2), for T(1) = T(2) = 1

# Some Derivations

  1. T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + cn, T(1) = 1

    • assume n=2^m, i.e., m = log_2 m for some m \geq 0, m \in \mathbb{Z}
    • T(2^m) = 2T(2^{m-1})+c \cdot 2^m \\= 2 \{2T(2^{m-2})+c \cdot 2^{m-1} \}+c \cdot 2^m \\=2^2 \cdot T(2^{m-2})+2 \cdot c \cdot 2^m \\= 2^2 \{2 \cdot T(2^{m-3})+c \cdot 2^{m-2} \}+2 \cdot c \cdot 2^m $\ ... \= 2m \cdot T(20) + m \cdot c \cdot 2^m $ \\= n \cdot 1 + (log_2 n) \cdot c \cdot n = O(n \log n )
  2. T(n) = T(n-1) + cn, T(1) = 1

  3. T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + cn^2, T(1) = 1

    • Assume n=2^m for some m \in \mathbb{Z} - \mathbb {Z^-}
    • 2 \cdot T (2^{m-1}) + c \cdot 2 ^2m $\ = 2 { 2 \cdot T(2^) + c \cdot 2 {2(m-1)} } + c \cdot 2 2m $ $\= 22 \cdot T(2) + c { 2^{2m-1} + 2 {2m}} $ $\ = 2 { 2 \cdot T(2) + c \cdot 2 {2(m-2)} } + c { 2{2m-1} + 2^{2m} } $ $\= 23 \cdot T(2)+ c { 2^{2m-2} + 2^{2m-1} + 2 ^{2m}} $ \\ … \\= 2^m + 2 \cdot c \cdot 2^{2m} - 2 \cdot c \cdot 2^m \\ =2 \cdot c \cdot n^2 - (2 \cdot c -1) n = O(n^2)

# Another Implementation of Merge Sort

  • ref. [Horowitz 7.6.3]

    int rmerge(element list[], int lower, int upper){
    /*sort the list, list[lower], ..., list[upper]. the link field in each record is initially set to -1*/
    // list[lower], …, list[upper]까지 오름차순으로 정렬.
    // 각 레코드의 link filed는 초기에 -1로 설정
      int middle;
      if (lower >= upper) return lower;
        middle = (lower + upper)/2;
        return listmerge(list, rmerge(list,lower,middle), rmerge(list, middle+1, upper));
  • rmerge returns an integer that points to the start of the sorted list. start = rmerge(list, 0, n-1);

    typedef struct {
      int key;
      int link;
    } element;
    int listmerge (element list[ ], int first, int second){
    // first와 second가 가리키는 서브리스트들을 합병
      int start = n;
      while (first != -1 && second != -1) {
        if (list[first].key <= list[second].key) {
          list[start].link = first; 
          start = first;
          first = list[first].link;
        else {
          list[start].link = second; 
          start = second;
          second = list[second].link;
      }if (first == -1)
        list[start].link = second;
      else list[start].link = first;
      return list[n].link; 
      // 합병된 리스트의 시작 인덱스를 return
  • listmerge takes two sorted chains, first and second, and returns an integer that points to the start of a new sorted chain that includes the first and second chains.

  • listmerge 함수 수행 예 start
