# 2.4. PQ 2: Min-Max Heap

  • Problem

    • The following operations must be performed as mixed in data processing:
      • Store a record with a key in an arbitrary order.
      • Fetch the record with the current largest key.
      • Fetch the record with the current smallest key.
  • A solution

    • Design a data structure that offers the efficient implementation of the following operations (Double-Ended Priority Queue):
      • Insert an element with an arbitrary key.
      • Delete an element with the largest key.
      • Delete an element with the smallest key.
  • ref. [Horowitz 9.1]

{교육과정 외}

# Priority Queue 3: Heap and Hashing

# Priority Queue 4: Deap

# Priority Queue 5: Leftist Tree

# Priority Queue 6: Binomial Heap

# Priority Queue 7: Fibonacci Heap